Fisher-Price and Baby Einstein comparison
I bought a Fisher Price jumperoo based on the wonderful reviews and was not disappointed. Because my 4-month old baby loved it so much, I decided to purchase another jumperoo for the g-parents' house. My husband convinced me to buy the Baby Einstein jumper so that our baby would have something different to play with. So far, our baby seems to enjoy jumping in the F-P jumperoo much more than in the B-E jumper. Below is a list of differences I noticed between the two:
1. The B-E seat is wider than the F-P seat. My baby's body wobbles around a lot in the B-E seat. The F-P seat provides more support and has a extra cushioning behind the head so her head does not wobble when she moves back and forth in the seat.
2. The B-E seat's fabric is cut so that my baby sits on her rear more than in the F-P seat. Because of this, my baby jumps around a lot more in the F-P seat than in the B-E seat.
3. The B-E jumper has more height settings. My baby is able to touch the floor without a cushion or phone book underneath her. She still needs a firm pillow under the F-P jumperoo.
4. The B-E jumper toys seem to be for older babies, who have developed stronger fingers. Some of the toys require quite a bit of coordination to use. The B-E toys that hang above the jumper are actually just plastic rings, which are not very interesting. The F-P toys that hang above the jumper are more colorful and much better quality. My baby studies the F-P toys for long periods of time, but is not interested in the B-E plastic rings.
5. The B-E jumper music toy plays 5 classical music songs, but they are short. The F-P jumperoo's music lasts much longer, even though there are only two different music selections.
Also, the B-E jumper music toy is activated by touching one of the piano keys. The F-P jumperoo music is activated by the baby's jumping. Again, it seems the B-E jumper is for older babies who have better eye-hand coordination. The F-P jumperoo seems to encourage babies to jump more than the B-E jumper.Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Center
Our then 3 month old son was very active and would stand in our arms and JUMP for as long as we'd let him. I started researching the bouncers ~ we needed something to help us out with this active child. I saw the Rainforest Jumperoo online, but I didn't see any reviews and was hesitant to buy it. It's a little more expensive than the other options. I went to BabiesRUS and looked at all the options including the exersaucers and this seemed like the best option - it's a perfect combination of both. It has fun and colorful toys that he loves plus a small space that's designated as a snack tray. Now that we have it home - I can honestly tell you that this is the BEST toy that we have found for him. He will sit in his jumper for quite a while. I often ask him if he wants out, but he just laughs and keeps jumping. I love that he can turn his seat 360 degrees - he can turn towards me wherever in the room that I am. Also, he's a little short for this - his feet just reach the floor, but we put a short stool under him and he now has enough room to push up and bounce. He should be able to use this for several months to come. This was a GREAT investment - the best baby gadget yet and we have them ALL!! Great product- don't wait to buy it!
I bought this for my not-yet-4-month-old daughter and it arrived yesterday. I put it together with ease (except being short one battery that I stole from a clock in the house). She has been holding her head up since birth and doesn't like laying down anymore. She loved sitting in this and looking at the toys. She's just now realizing her hands are hers to use so the toys on this are perfect.
Her toes barely touch the floor and so she can't quite jump in it. But at her rate of growth, she will be jumping in a few days! Another reviewer mentioned placing a pillow under the baby's feet and I think I'll try that tonight. With that said, I still wish I bought this sooner. If you are thinking about buying it, don't wait until your baby is older. Buy it sooner and get your monies worth. Even if the baby can't reach the floor, there is great value in the toys.
So far, so good. Although she is deeply interested in this new toy and trying to figure out what to do in it, I just LOVE it! I can see many hours of her enjoyment, mine watching her and valuable hands free time for me!
Baby and mom's favorite toy!
I really wasn't sure if my 4-month-old would like this; he seems to hate everything. He's a VERY cranky baby unless entertained by mommy or daddy. I can't get anything done with him! But this turned out to be one of the best toy purchases I've ever made for him. Set-up was very easy and the directions were very straight-forward, though I pretty much only used them for quick reference. I love that assembly is snap-together. You only need a screwdriver to put the batteries (3 AA) in. Once it's assembled, it's big and a little bit of a pain to move but our apartment is really tiny so there's really no need to move it from it's spot in the living room. This may be an issue for others, though. Getting the baby in can be an event but I personally find it much easier to have the seat pad sticking straight up and it does that for you by itself when you pull your little one out.
At first, he wasn't sure what to make of all of it and just kind of stared at the lights on the musical toy, which plays very cute music and animal souds in two volumes and two different settings. Pretty soon, he figured out how to spin the little doo-dad on it and was so excited that he could make it turn on. And of course, when little ones get excited, those little legs get a-goin' and he soon discovered the joy of bouncing. I don't think I've ever seen him laugh harder. The racket it makes when it bounces is a little annoying but as long as it makes my baby happy, I don't mind. Right now, he's not much for spinning in the seat so the lizzard and tiger toys have gone ignored for the most part but what he can get his hands on, he loves. He also likes to look up at the stuffed leaf toys.
There is one toy that may be a real dud for some kids. There's a little bug on a stem that I'm guessing is supposed to stand up, but it just hangs limp. This was quickly turned into something fun, however, by taking it out of it's slot (this can be done by simply pinching the two plastic tabs on the yellow base) and just handing it to him to play with. It must feel really good on his gums because he just loves to gnaw away on it and look at the high-contrasting black polka-dots on the white wings. It's too bad they didn't stuff cellophane in the wings. He loves crinkly stuff.
Not all kids will end up loving this little gem but mine sure does! I can put him down and FINALLY begin the horrid process of cleaning my house which has been neglected for 4 months. That I don't have an excuse anymore is pretty much my only complaint.
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